We have had the exclusive opportunity to work with Colombian photographer and artist Lorenzo Botero on a limited edition art deck set. While focusing mainly on fashion photography, Lorenzo has also been working on a series with vintage sports cars over the last year; this set including model Genna Leigh and a 1995 Ferrari F355 Berlinetta.
"The Berlinetta" 3-Panel Art Deck set will be the first from our series available for pre-order on August 30th, 2019 at 9AM PST through our online storefront. Quantity will be limited to 250 units worldwide.
Each set will include a digitally printed sticker randomly selected from the photo set below. An opportunity to purchase a signed 152cm x 101cm acrylic print of the featured set photo will also be available.
1995 Ferrari 355 Berlinetta
Car: John Temerian @wearecurated
Model: Genna Leigh @gennaleigh
Set photographed in Miami