One of our goals for this year was to create a product line for the community that would live and grow with GW indefinitely. We are very proud to announce that our "SL" line is ready and will be available as early as October 14th at 8AM PST.
This curated line will live in addition to our current delivery methods of art decks that are limited in production quantities. Differentiation of art deck lines will be able to be distinguished by the "SL" branding [black & white] GW logos with "garagewelt" typeface underneath. While our exclusive deck deliveries will still bear the plain GW box logo usually colored in red & white.
Note, all "SL" decks will be shipping in separate boxes to other items from our catalog. Keep this in mind when combining items from "SL" and the rest of our store for shipping prices and quotes. We have listed some basic descriptive information about the line, what you can expect while ordering and more below:
52 Open Editions
Made To Order
2-3 Week Delivery
Not Stocked In-Store
Natural Top Stain Veneer
7 Ply American Maple Construction
8.0s Size
Shop the collection here.